Saturday, July 31, 2010


hello to you who have stopped by! we (melissa & liz) hope you enjoy your visit, and that naptimesomewhere can be a source of joy, insight, laughter, and growth for you as much as we hope it can be for us. we intend to use this space to open our lives to you; inviting you into our homes and families, our respective discernment processes, and our general "life-of-a-mom" dispositions - both sunny and stormy ;-) basically, the scope of acceptable post topics here is wide! we will post on things like:

  • trials and joys of parenthood ( poop on the floor & poop in the potty!)
  • religion & theology
  • marriage, relationships, community (our partners are awesome & our partners are jackholes)
  • getting our craft on (sewing, crafting, knitting, decorating...)
  • homemaking & keeping
  • cooking
  • and more!

who we are:

melissa and liz are both mothers of 3yo's, on opposite sides of WA state. they met in college and became close after parenthood.

melissa is a wanna-be hippie married to a mechanical engineer and forever-stuck in a town full of staunch scientists. her soul lies in seattle or san francisco, but her heart rests in her home. she is currently pursuing certification as a birth doula - a professional birth coach. melissa enjoys keeping a wine diary, reading, crafting, watching Nick Jr. with her son, and planning the next dinner party.

liz is a graduate student, paving her own career as a sex therapist for the Lutheran church, and is a burgoning member of the ELCA's Deaconess Community. she is a deeply rooted pacific northwesterner, and the older she gets, the better the suburbs look. she loves knitting, cooking, modern architecture, spending money, laughing, colorful stripes, and trying new alcoholic drinks.

we welcome you to join us on this journey...through our labyrinth.

here are the rules:

keep it fun - the more you comment, the more we know our audience.
we'll be honest.
be nice.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! I can't wait to hear your next post : )
